Wednesday 22 March 2017

How to run Karaf as Apache Commons Daemon Service

How to run Karaf as Service with Apache Commons Daemon ?

### How do I get set up? ###

YOu Can change All Your Service Names in Install-Karaf-Service.bat.
If you want to change exe name then change in all batch files.

### How to run with Latest Karaf ###

Download Fresh Karaf Zip from Karaf Site.
Copy All exe and bat files into Karaf Root folder.

Now go to Command prompt

Now you can verify in Windows Service with name "Karaf Daemon Service"

For Uninstalling Service ::::
Deleted KARAF Successfully
Press any key to continue . . .

###  Which Architecture it Supports ###

Currently Exe I provided are amd64 because mine is 64-bit Machine. You can download 32-bit from Apache Commons Daemon Website .

Repository Details

Monday 13 March 2017

Gradle Tips in Eclipse And Syntax Highlight

Q. How use Gradle Project Nature in Eclipe?
A: Use Gradle BuildShip Plugin in Eclipse provided by VMWare . It comes with Elephant Symbol.

Q: Can we get Gradle Syntax Highlight in for gradle files in Eclipse?
A; Use Gradle MinimalList Plugin from Eclipse Market. "minimalist gradle editor".

After installing above you can see build.gradle with syntax highlighting.
If not rightClick on Gradle File>Openwith>Minimalist Gradle.