Saturday, 30 June 2012

How to add SVN-Subclipse plugin to Eclipse

Normally we have two plugins available in the market for eclipse IDE.
 1. Subclipse-Developed by SVN
 2. Subversive-Developed by Eclipse

Better you can go for Tortoise SVN latest release 1.7 which is more improved version .

I prefer Subclipse which will be more user friendly one than other.

 How it add SVN -Subclipse plugin to Eclipse:

 Eclipse update site URL:
Zipped downloads:


If you want to link Eclipse SVN with Local Tortoise SVN installation then you can go for
SVN Interface Client  javaHL (JNI) (1.7.4)

Restart Eclipse after installing everything.

how to use if,equals in ANT Script

If you want to use Ant tags like <if>,<equals> then you should do the following:
  1. Add ancontrib.jar in ANT_HOME/Lib/
  2. <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpathref="project.classpath" /> to init Target.
  3. For high features-use -
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>

How to call Customized xml file as pom file in maven

Actually we will use "pom.xml" as the file name for maven default framework.
But we can also change the name or we can call our own xml file as pom file in maven.

in order to call own xml file in maven:

mvn -f own.xml clean install